Nighttime Sleep Aid
Creative Advertising Hook: “Simple Nervous Tension”
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Originally marketed for simple nervous tension … 'Headache, take aspirin - Simple nervous tension, take COMPOZ...C-O-M-P-O-Z'.
In the early 1960’s, Himmel began marketing its first major brand on radio and television, Compoz. Himmel identified a need that was unaddressed in the market and gave it a name, one with which the consumer would readily identify, "Simple nervous tension." And in the process, Himmel not only created a new category of healthcare, tension headaches, but also built a successful consumer franchise; it developed perhaps one of the most memorable advertising campaigns in history. "Headache, take aspirin. Simple nervous tension, take COMPOZ. C-O-M-P-O-Z." Today, 45 years later, the advertising is still remembered.