Pills for Backache Pain
Share of Voice: 100%
Doan’s was acquired for $0 when the sales were less than $2 million, and built to a sales level of $13 million in 1986, when the brand was sold for $35 million. The brand was built on the power of heavy investments in advertising, 52 weeks a year, with real, believable consumers testifying in ads as to the relief they derived from Doan’s, dominant share of advertising voice (100%), advertising 365 days a year, creative advertising that stroke a responsive chord with those suffering from backache pain by using testimonial advertising
Doans Pills “Schwartz” 30 seconds
The brand's unique advertising positioning, heavy investment in advertising, dominant share of advertising voice, and use of extremely believable testimonials, allowed Doan's to become the market leader with sales of $13 million in 1986 when the brand was sold for $35 million.